RFP for Engineering & Construction Management Services
Hermiston Irrigation District (HID) is seeking a Consultant to perform engineering design and construction administration services for design and construction of an irrigation canal pump station and pipeline. The project is located near the west end of Feedville Road at the Maxwell Canal, approximately 5 miles southwest of the city center of Hermiston, Oregon. This work is necessary as a result of the 2019/2020 flood events within Umatilla County and is being completed under FEMA Disaster Relief Declaration DR4452-OR and DR4519-OR. The eventual contract will need to include all terms required for Oregon Public Contracts and any contract terms required by FEMA. Prospective proposers must not be listed on any list suspending or barring them from an award of this contract. The successful proposer shall be required to take the steps to involve small and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms as subconsultants.
The project requires the Consultant to perform and manage all aspects of design and construction management of the proposed pump station and pipeline. The pump station will have a capacity of 30-35 cubic feet per second (cfs)and the associated pipeline will be between 1,600 feet and 2,900 feet in length. Three alternatives for the pipeline route have been identified and the Consultant will determine the most beneficial route before starting design. The three pipeline route alternatives and the pump station location are shown in Figure 1.