The A Line will be turned down this evening below 100 cfs to repair some leaking panels along Highland Avenue. This will cause low water levels at the tail which will affect the H and I Lines. These lines will be shut down until water will be restored on Wednesday. There could also be disruptions to other portions of the system. We appreciate your patience.
Office Phones Down
The phone lines in our office are down. Blue Mountain is not sure when they will be restored. You can contact our office by calling the District Manager phone at 541-571-7698.
Z Line Down for Repair
The Z line is down for repair. It should be completed tomorrow and we will let you know as soon as it is back up.
Pond Weed
The Field Crew will be dipping the A and B Lines all week for pond weed. This may cause pieces of the weed to break off and become lodged in your sprinkler lines. The District would like you to be aware, in case you would like to turn off during this time.
L & LA Line Temporary Shut-Off
HID will be shutting off the L and LA~Lines this evening to make a repair early tomorrow morning. We plan to have the lines back on early tomorrow.
Lines Down
There will be no water service to the O, S or T Lines for the next 5 days. There was a failure at the OT Split. It is being repaired.
There will be a short interruption in the I~Line tomorrow, May 22, 2024. The crews will be making a minor repair.
Herbicide Notice
HID will be treating with A-Line Canal at the Head of the R Line Canal with Nautique herbicide on May 21, 2024.
May 2024 Board Meeting
HID’s May Board Meeting will be held May 9th, at 4:00 pm, at the District Office.
5/6/2024 Update
Good morning. All lines are low due to lack of demand. We are taking 63 cfs from Cold Springs Reservoir and have0 30 cfs at the tail of the A line. We will turn in more water as soon as our demand comes up again. We don’t want to waste the water by sending it back to the Umatilla River.